When I first started this website, an awesome $3.00 off Bacon Wrapped Filet Steaks Coupon came out from Chef’s Requested. Well, at Wal-Mart, they sell two in a package for only $3.28. That means, only $.14 per steak! It’s a crazy deal. And, to top it off… the Filets are amazing! My husband and I love them!
I’ve heard from a few readers that their Huggies Wipes $2.00 off 2 Coupon reset!! So, head over to Coupons.com to see if it did for you!
Sign up to become an Oprah DevOtee! You will asked to complete surveys from time to time. And in exchange, you will win cool prizes and get to sample products before they hit the market!
Fitness Magazine is going on tour to over 80 U.S. Cities! They will be offering up Free Skin Cancer Screenings in a state-of-the-art RV turned dermalogical office. Plus, they will also be giving away Free Skin Care goodies and other fun things.
It is kinda funny that I was just talking about this yesterday, but the Victoria’s Secret Semi-Annual Sale is online starting today!
Utah Deal:
Today is the Wild Web Wednesday for RC Willey! You can purchase Valentine’s Day on DVD for only $8.95. And, the Blu-Ray is only $14.95! You will need to purchase it online, but then you can pick it up in the store.
Taco Bell is giving the first 500,000 people a Free LimeAid Sparkler! Take the coupon into a Taco Bell location before July 11th!