Please make sure that you always have the Target Coupon Policy with you when you shop. If you run into a new cashier or un-knowing manager, you can share the coupon policy with them and show the couponing procedure for Target. It helps with any problems you may run into. You can find the Target Coupon Policy here.
Many stores will Price Match the Weekly Store Advertisements you get in the Newspaper– including Wal-Mart . This can really help us save even more, especially when you can stack coupons on top of the price matching deal!
Please make sure that you always have the Walmart Coupon Policy with you when you shop. If you run into a new cashier or un-knowing manager, you can share the coupon policy with them and show the couponing procedure for Walmart. It helps with any problems you may run into. You can find the Walmart Coupon Policy here.
Please make sure that you always have the Walgreens Coupon Policy with you when you shop. If you run into a new cashier or un-knowing manager, you can share the coupon policy with them and show the couponing procedure for Walgreens. It helps with any problems you may run into. You can find the Walgreens Coupon Policy here.
Many of you have been asking the correct Coupon Policy for Rite Aid. Since the introduction of their UP+ Rewards, things have changed a bit. So I would ALWAYS recommend having a coupon policy with you, in your coupon binder ready to go. That way, if you ever have a question on which coupons can be stacked together, you will be able to acces it quickly.
Please make sure that you always have the CVS Coupon Policy with you when you shop. If you run into a new cashier or un-knowing manager, you can share the coupon policy with them and show the couponing procedure for CVS. It helps with any problems you may run into.
Please make sure that you always have the Target Coupon Policy with you when you shop. If you run into a new cashier or un-knowing manager, you can share the coupon policy with them and show the couponing procedure for Target. It helps with any problems you may run into. You can find the Target Coupon Policy here.