My Music

A lot of you I haven’t seen in awhile, but people always ask me about my music. I still have a music page on myspace. It’s However, I don’t ever really get on it anymore. You can check out a couple of my songs on there. And, I will try to post some on this page too!! Right now, I’m still deciding what direction to take as far as music is concerned. Still love it!! But we will just have to see what happens now that I have a family to think of! READ MORE »

Here We Go!!!

Ok, so I finally got sucked into doing this. Myspace has gotten really bad since me and Brady met on it… and Facebook is stupid. I wanted to find a way to stay in touch with people but yet not have random people I didn’t know send me messages to chat all the time. Can’t they see that I’m married??? LOL Drives me insane!! So, hopefully I can stay in touch with all of you! Send me your blog addresses so I can see what’s going on with you too! READ MORE »

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