Hatchimals Back In Stock @ Target

Hatchmals have turned into quite the hot toy this year! Everyone and their mother was hoping to get their hands on one of these little creatures this year, but unless you grabbed one SUPER early in the shopping season, you're probably left with quite the gift void. Hatchimals have become so popular that they are sold out and out of stock everywhere. There's even a little price gouging in practice by some savvy and shrewd business people, with Hatchimal prices hovering around $200 on eBay. Some consumers refuse to pay the outrageously inflated price, but others will do whatever it takes to get their hands on a Hatchimal this season. Not everyone has the budget or inclination to pay four times what the toy is worth, though. All hope is not lost for anyone still hoping that a Hatchimal will be hiding under the Christmas tree this year! Target announced in a press release this week that there will be Hatchimals back in stock in stores on Sunday, December 11th! There's a limit of two per customer, and this is only available while supplies last. I know some of you brave souls might just take a crack at this, but don't expect it to be easy! There are bound to be TONS of people vying for their shot at a Hatchimal tomorrow, and the chances of getting one probably won't be terribly high. Your best bet at nabbing one of these little guys is to get there early. I fully expect lines to start forming outside Target stores as early as tonight, or even today. If you don't feel like waiting in line and dealing with the craze at all, I don't really blame you. You do have a few other options that don't involve paying $200 on eBay... According to the press release, additional Hatchimals will also be "popping up throughout the week". I'm thinking that most stores will also hold onto some Hatchimals and restock shelves with these elusive little creatures, so keep checking back! Opt for a Hatchimal-themed Target gift card instead. The gift cards will not reserve a Hatchimal, but you can return to a Target later when there are Hatchimals in stock and grab one then. Give an IOU for Christmas instead. More Hatchimals are expected to hit shelves in January all over the country. If you aren't able to purchase one before the holidays, you can wait until the new year and purchase one then instead. Some kids are more understanding than others about things like this, though, so keep that in mind. Make a Hatchimal a gift for a special occasion later in the year instead. These would make great birthday presents, especially if your little one has a birthday in the earlier part of the year. Or, who says you can't gift Easter gifts? After all, Hatchimals are eggs! Are you gonna try to grab a Hatchimal tomorrow or will you wait? Do you think the toy is worth the craze?

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