Save $8.00 when you purchase Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure AND Bambi
Possible Scenario
Purchase Bambi DVD at $13.99
Purchase Sharpay Target Exclusive Combo Pack at $26.99
Use the $8.00 off of one Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventures 3-Disc Super Set or 2 Disc Combo Pack Coupon
Plus, use the $5.00 off of one Disney Blue Ray Target Coupon from the Target Sweet Deals Mailer (if you have it)
Total cost as low as $19.98 for both or $9.99 each!
Target’s Daily Deal is the LeapFrog Tag Junior System for only $20.99. And all daily deals get free shipping! I believe the lowest I have seen this go is around $19.00. So pretty great deal.
It looks like a LOT of retailers will have the Cars and/or The Incredibles Blu-Ray Combo Pack with the Free Cars 2 Movie Tickets. Usually, you will see the offer on the front of the DVD. So if you don’t see it there, I wouldn’t assume that the free ticket is included.
Purchase a Disney’s Car BlueRay + DVD Combo Pack at $24.99 & Receive 2 Free Cars Movie Admissions (up to $8.50 value)
Use the $8.00 off of one Disney’s Cars BlueRay Combo Pack
Total cost $16.99 & you receive 2 Free Movie Passes!
Everything you need for this meal can be purchased at Target this week April 3- April 9! Remember to check your stockpiles before heading to Target, you may have some on hand already from previous stock-up price sales. (With my own stockpile, the only things I had to purchase were the Oranges, the rest are all items we have gotten incredible deals on the past few months I have stocked up on.)