If you are looking for a few more magazines to have on hand, here are a couple GREAT deals! Right now you can get a 1 Year subscription for each of the following for only $3.76 from Best Deals Magazines! Just make sure you use code WKLYSPEC at checkout. You can choose just one or both of these subscriptions! They are both priced the same:
Today only, Best Deals Magazines is offering a One Year Subscription to Fitness Magazine for $4.39. But, use coupon code PXCJ1120 to get it for only $3.73!
Until 11/11 at 8pm MST, you can pick up the Family Circle Magazine Subscription from Tanga for only $3.50 when you use code FAMILY.
Right now, Best Deals Magazine is offering 1 year Subscription to Disney’s Family Fun Magazine for only $3.76! Just enter in code WKLYSPEC at checkout to get it for that price.
Tanga is offering a 1 year subscription to the ESPN magazine for only $3.99! That means, since ESPN puts out 26 issues a year, you are getting each issue for only $0.15!
Right now, Tanga is offering a 1 year subscription to Martha Stewart Living Magazine for only $12.99! That’s only $1.08 an issue, which is an amazing price for this magazine!
Today only, Best Deals Magazines is offering a 1 Year Subscription to Elle Magazine for only $4.39. BUT, use code PXCJ1106 to get it for only $3.73!
This deal is back! Tanga is once again offering a 1 year Weight Watchers magazine subscription for only $3.99! Or, if you prefer you can actually select up to 3 years at this price in the drop down box.