Awesome deals on jeans over at JCPenney! During the Cyber Monday sale, select juniors’ Arizona Denim is on sale for only $17.99 each! (Reg. $42) Plus, you’ll also be able to save an additional 25% off your purchase of $100 or less with promo code TOSAVE23. So that means you can get jeans for as low as $13.49 after promo code! Nice!
Yay! The Cyber Monday Sale at JCPenney has started! And there are some great deals on HDTVs! For example, you can get this GPX LED 32″ HDTV for only $199.99! (Reg. $430) That’s a savings of over 50% off the original price! Sweet!
The JCPenney Cyber Monday sale has started! Head over to JCPenney right now and take advantage of some NICE cyber deals! In addition to the great sale prices, we can also save up to 33% off with the code TOSAVE23! And, if you took advantage of that gift card deal earlier, you might even have a $25/$25 coupon to use!
JCPenney should have some nice deals on all sorts of items, ranging from apparel to home goods to toys this Cyber Monday. And, the promo codes should make for some even better deals on top of the sale prices! The codes seem to be live and working on some items… we haven’t found the answer yet on how to tell which items it is already working on but if you have been waiting for this sale… check it out now!
HOT! JC Penney has the Protocol Hamilton 5-pc. Spinner Luggage Set for only $31.99 with coupon code 9BIGSALE at checkout! Or, if you have a JC Penney card you can get it for only $29.99! This set is usually $180, so this is a CRAZY low deal. In their Black Friday Ad, this is for $39.99. So this is actually BETTER than Black Friday! There are 6 different colors to choose from. The set comes with 25″ Upright Spinner, 21″ Carry-On Spinner, 16″ Tote, 9″ Kit and Shoe Bag.
Remember when we had those huge coupon binders we woud lug around everywhere filled with coupons, weighing a million pounds? Man, I don’t miss that at all. Slowly but surely the ability to save a ton of money has been transfered to smartphones. From cash back apps, to Cartwheel, to mobile coupons, and text alerts; my smartphone is really, really smart at saving me money and I love it!
It’s back!! YAY! Now through November16th you can save $10 off your $25 apparel,shoes,accessories, fine jewelry and home purchase online and in-store at JC Penney! To save in-store just print out your coupon, or if you prefer shopping online like myself, just use coupon code BUYNOW89 at checkout. This is a great time to get a little Christmas shopping done!
It’s so nice to have new bath towels on hand when guests come in town! JC Penney has the Home Expressions Solid Bath Towels on sale for only $4.49 each. But you can also use coupons codes to save more! Use coupon code WESHOP96 to save 20% on any purchase below $100 OR save an extra 25% on purchases over $100. Or, you can use coupon code SAVE98 to take $10 off your $25 or more purchase. That means with the 20% off you would only pay $3.60 per towel! (Reg. $10) These towels have great reviews too. Choose from 7 different colors!