Baby & Kid Deals

Huggies New Mom Gift Pack Giveaway! (One Day Giveaway)


When the Huggies coupons pop up, you will always want to print those as soon as possible.  They are notorious for reaching their print limits.  And, when you combine them with a sale, you can save so much money on diapers.  Diapers are expensive!! READ MORE »

NEW Huggies Printable Coupons!

Huggies just let me know they released new printable coupons!! YAY!  Saving money on diapers is a must! READ MORE »

Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers as low as $.13 Each! Free Shipping Too!

It’s been awhile since we have seen deals on Huggies diapers.  So for all of you who are in need, this deal is for you. READ MORE »

Pampers Diapers as low as $.13 a Diaper! (Sizes Newborn to Size 6) Free Shipping Too!

In case you missed it last time, these are back in-stock!!  Grab them while you can.  Nothing beats getting a great price on diapers and not even having to leave your house. READ MORE »

Pampers Soft Care Wipes $.02 Each! Free Shipping Too!

First, make sure you a an Amazon Moms member.  It is free to sign up and you don’t have to be a Mom. READ MORE »

36 oz Gerber GoodStart Gentle Formula $29.98 Shipped! WOW!

If you have babies on Gerber GoodStart Formula, the best price I have found is actually at Sam’s Club! READ MORE »

BabyBjorn Infant Carriers as low as $50.99! Free Shipping Too! (Reg $65-$80)

You have probably heard of BabyBjorn if you have a baby or are expecting.  They are great for carrying your baby around and they will grow with your baby- no matter the size!  We actually purchased one for our last Disneyland Trip.  It was so nice to have with a little baby.  They can just sleep against you, or you can turn them facing outwards. Plus,  babies love it! READ MORE »

It’s Back! Carseat Cover only $12.95 Shipped!

This deal is back with an updated promo code if you missed it before- or wanted to order another one! READ MORE »

Zarbee’s “Mom”ents $10,000 Dream Vacation Giveaway!

You guys have heard me talk about Zarbee’s Cough Syrup before.  I am a huge fan… and love the brand even more because the Doctor behind this is actually my children’s pediatrician!  He was there when Devyn had to be sent to the NICU when she was born and we have stuck with him ever since.  We were really lucky he was on call that day! READ MORE »

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