
250 Avery Page Markers only $1.89 on Amazon!

Right now on Amazon you can purchase the 250 pack of Avery Page Markers for only $1.89! Plus, shipping will be FREE if you have Amazon Prime. READ MORE »

Leap Frog Factory DVD only $7.99 Shipped!

LeapFrog: Letter Factory is selling on Amazon right now for almost 50% off! Making it only $.799! Plus, it ships FREE if you have an Amazon Mom or Amazon Prime Account. It will also ship free with Super Save Shipping on Orders of $25 or more if you decide to order other items as well. READ MORE »

BEST Diaper Prices on Amazon Right Now!

It seems like there are a lot of great diaper deals happening right now on Amazon! So I’ve decided to compile a list of the BEST Diaper Prices I see on Amazon right now. Keep in mind, you can sometimes find diapers for cheaper with coupons in-store. These are just the best prices on Amazon right now for all you online shoppers! 🙂 READ MORE »

Huggies Diaper Deals on Amazon! ($.10-$.11 Per Diaper Shipped)

Time for more great Diaper Deals- which is a good thing because our home is running low!  You would probably think that I have a pretty great diaper stockpile, but I’ve been trying to start potty training my daughter  (UGGH!) and haven’t been stocking up.  I’m hoping my confidence in not purchasing them will move some good karma over to her so she will learn soon!  Wishful thinking, I know! READ MORE »

48 Count of Pop Tarts Only $8.69! (My Stock Up Price!)

My stock up price for Pop Tarts is around $1.33 for an 8 Pack.  Since we can get this next deal on Amazon with free shipping- it actually can make your total cost less because you are saving on gas and don’t have to go to the store. READ MORE »

Norelco Shaver only $29.99 Shipped! (Reg. $50!)

My husband seems to go through electric razors every few months- even when we do fork out some money for the nice ones.  So, I’m really excited to see a deal on them! READ MORE »

LEGO Space Center only $48.99 Shipped! (Normally $70)

If you have kids who love LEGOs, here is your deal.  Right now on Amazon, you can score the LEGO Space Center for only $48.99!  And, if you sign up for the FREE Amazon Moms program, you will get it shipped free too! READ MORE »

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