Children’s Tool Set

Create & Learn Children’s Tool Set with Box, Coin Bank, and Tic-Tac-Toe Only $14.99! (Reg. $25)

How fun is this? Walmart has the Create & Learn Children’s Tool Set with Box, Coin Bank, and Tic-Tac-Toe for only $14.99! (Reg. $25) This includes:2- Project Kits: Coin bank & TIC,TAC, TOE and 1- 6 ft./ 2 m Tape Measure, 1- 10 in. Ruler, 2- 3/4 in. Clamps, 1- Safety Glasses, 1- 4 OZ Claw Hammer, 1- Slotted Screwdriver: 1/4 in. x 3 in., 1- Phillips Screwdriver: #2 in. x 3 in., 1- 12-1/2 in. Tool Box. Plus, you can pad your order to $35 to score FREE shipping. READ MORE »

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